Thursday, January 16, 2025 | Issue No. 13

An Abundance of Caution

DeKalb County has water pipes that are the same age as my mother. And they also don't like cold weather. Thus, we have had a vaguely worded boil water advisory for the past couple of days.

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Freeform Ideation

This meeting is called to order. I hereby present these ideas for consideration. We don't mock ideas in this safe space. I see that Alex has her hand up...

Idea #1: The Smoke Rise Shakers (tentative name for a Bunco Group)

Full transparency: I've never played Bunco, much less organized a Bunco gathering. And I'll admit, finding out it is sometimes called the Housewife's Drinking Game was a turn off. But we can do this however we want, right? I just need at least 11 people to say they're up for it.

(OK, any others? Oh, there's Alex's hand again... )

Idea #2: A Neighborhood Block Party

Obviously, better for Springtime. Our neighborhood is optimally designed for one.

(Don't you others act shy now. Anyone?)

Idea #2: Smoke Rise Yard Sale

I have a love/hate thing about yard sales. Nothing like hauling a ton of wares out to the driveway only to have people reject them even though they are practically free.

(Not sure why you brought it up if you don't even love yard sales. Surely we have enough ideas on the table at this point... oh no... )

Idea #3: Monthly Art Meetup

I've been wanting to do something like this for AGES. Can be knitting, crochet, or just a "bring your project" kind of thing.

(Now that idea could be a good one, but only if there are snacks. Anyway, we need to wrap up this meeting soon.)

Idea #4: A Community Garden Project

My unformed idea is that someone with a sunny section of yard (we all have so much space!) allow those interested to take a pre-defined section. We could even decide to donate the harvests to charity.

(Just because you joined the garden club last month, Alex, doesn't make you a gardener. Maybe practice a bit first before digging up other people's yards.)

Idea #5: The Gosh-Dang Silly Billy Parade Along Hugh Howell

I've had one person say they liked the idea. Everyone else just stares at me blankly when I bring it up. I like that it is finite (a short walk), bring your own goofy hat, and it builds some togetherness. Who's with me? Doesn't matter. I WILL BE MAKING THIS HAPPEN.

(Ok, ok. Let's just call this meeting adjourned) [loud gavel sound]